
We are a powerful team of two professionals with 20 years of combined experience in the technology and marketing industry. Giovanni, with 12 years of experience, is an expert in programming and marketing. He has the ability to bridge the gap between technical knowledge and strategic marketing insights. Giorgia, on the other hand, is a social media and marketing manager with a strong track record of 8 years, including 4 years of specialization in web3 projects and startups. Her expertise lies in utilizing social media platforms to promote growth and engagement within the innovative web3 space. Together, we are a dynamic duo that can deliver excellent results by combining our skills and knowledge.

Giorgia Esposito

Giorgia Esposito

Co-Founder & Marketing Manager

Giovanni Mastellone

Giovanni Mastellone

Co-Founder & Pm/Tech-Leader

Why "theBoars"?

The name says it all, we’re a lean, mean, marketing and web development machine that gets the job done. No frills, no fluff, just results. We’re fast, focused, and fearless. We’re the boars and we’re here to help you charge ahead in the digital world.

After all, slow and steady wins the race, but the bold gets the gold.